We are proud to recognize the highest levels of achievement in the residential construction industry. We invite you to showcase your finest work and be recognized for your outstanding work in home building and design.
1-Residential Planning, Design and Construction – NewGROUP
1 - Best Single-Family Home under 3,000 Sq. Ft.
The total area of the home must be under 3,000 sq. ft.
The square footage of the home includes the main and upper floors, excluding the garage and basement areas. If a finished basement is an integral part of the home and shown in the images then it should be included in the square footage calculation.
May include new forms of housing such as laneway homes, duplexes, triplexes, and fee simple strata.
- Project Name
- Is this project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital images
Two (2) showing exterior (night-time images will not be judged) Four (4) showing the interior. Four (4) of your choice - Digital Floor Plan
Must be anonymous, remove all identifying labels. - Upload Homeowner Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary about the project. - Project Description: Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Functionality of floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting | 20.0% |
Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail | 20.0% |
Functionality of floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices | 20.0% |
2 - Best Single-Family Home between 3,000 – 4,500 Sq. Ft.
The total area of the home must be between 3,000sq. ft. - 4,500 sq. ft.
The square footage of the home includes the main and upper floors, excluding the garage and basement areas. If a finished basement is an integral part of the home and shown in the images then it should be included in the square footage calculation.
May include new forms of housing such as laneway homes, duplexes, triplexes, and fee simple strata.
- Project Name
- Is this project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital images
- Two (2) showing exterior (please, no night-time images) - Four (4) showing the interior - Four (4) of your choice - Digital Floorplans
- You have permission from the builder/developer/homeowner to enter this project.
Upload Homeowner Permission Form - Marketing Description
- Project Description: Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Functionality of floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting | 20.0% |
Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail | 20.0% |
Functionality of floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices | 20.0% |
3 - Best Single-Family Home over 4,500 Sq. Ft.
The total area of the home must be over 4,500 sq. ft.
The square footage of the home includes the main and upper floors, excluding the garage and basement areas. If a finished basement is an integral part of the home and shown in the images then it should be included in the square footage calculation.
May include new forms of housing such as laneway homes, duplexes, triplexes, and fee simple strata.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital images
- Two (2) showing exterior (please, no night-time images) - Four (4) showing the interior - Four (4) of your choice - Digital Floorplans
- Upload Homeowner Permission Form
- Marketing Description
- Project Description: Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria.
- Project Description: Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Functionality of floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria.
- Project Description: Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended. The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting | 20.0% |
Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail | 20.0% |
Functionality of floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices | 20.0% |
4 - Best Multi-Family Townhouse Development
A townhouse development is defined as a ground-oriented project in which each unit has a separate entrance.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Upload Homeowner Permission Form (if applicable)
- Digital images
Ten (10) digital images of the following:
Two(2) showing exterior (please no night-time images)
Four (4) showing the interior
Four (4) of your choice - Digital Floorplans
- Marketing Description
Provide a Summary about the project. - Project Description: Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Functionality of floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting | 20.0% |
Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail | 20.0% |
Functionality of floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices | 20.0% |
2-Residential Planning, Design and Construction – RenovationGROUP
5 - Best Residential Renovation under $250,000
The total cost to the client for the renovation, including design fees and all materials, labour supplied by the client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and appliances, and excluding GST, must be under $250,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital images
10 images of the following: Up to four (4) "Before" and up to six (6) "After". - Digital Floorplans
- Upload Homeowner Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Provide a summary about the project. - Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Purpose of renovation and respect of existing surroundings
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Creative and efficient use of space
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Compatibility of existing and/or new materials as well as finishing details
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Purpose of renovation and respect of existing surroundings | 20.0% |
Creative and efficient use of space | 20.0% |
Compatibility of existing and or new materials as well as finishing details | 20.0% |
Construction details techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
6 - Best Residential Renovation $250,001 - $450,000
The total cost to the client for the renovation, including design fees and all materials, labour supplied by the client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and appliances, and excluding GST, must be between $250,001 - $450,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital images
Up to four (4) "Before" and up to six (6) "After". - Digital Floorplans
- Upload Homeowner permission form
- Marketing Description
Summary about the project - Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Purpose of renovation and respect of existing surroundings
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Creative and efficient use of space
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Compatibility of existing and/or new materials as well as finishing details
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Purpose of renovation and respect of existing surroundings | 20.0% |
Creative and efficient use of space | 20.0% |
Compatibility of existing and or new materials as well as finishing details | 20.0% |
Construction details techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
7 - Best Residential Renovation $450,001 and over
The total cost to the client for the renovation, including design fees and all materials, labour supplied by the client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and appliances, and excluding GST, must be over $450,001.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital images
Ten (10) images total: Up to four (4) "Before" and up to six (6) "After". - Digital Floorplans
- Upload homeowner permission form
- Marketing Description
Provide a summary of the project. - Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Purpose of renovation and respect of existing surroundings
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Creative and efficient use of space
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Compatibility of existing and/or new materials as well as finishing details
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Purpose of renovation and respect of existing surroundings | 20.0% |
Creative and efficient use of space | 20.0% |
Compatibility of existing and/or new materials as well as finishing details | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
3-Residential Planning, Design and Construction – KitchenGROUP
8 - Best Single Family Kitchen Renovation under $150,000
The total cost to the client for the renovation. Kitchen value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, backsplash, flooring, lighting/plumbing fixtures and appliances, excluding GST, and must be under $150,000.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Kitchen value including all visual materials
- Digital images
8 images of your choice. Plus 2 before images. - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the kitchen that are included in the project description. - Upload Homeowner Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Provide a summary about the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Unique design elements | 20.0% |
Choice of materials | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
9 - Best Single Family Kitchen Renovation over $150,000
The total cost to the client for the renovation. Kitchen value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, backsplash, flooring, lighting/plumbing fixtures and appliances, excluding GST, and must be over $150,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Kitchen value including all visual materials
- Digital images
8 images of your choice. Plus 2 before images. - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the kitchen that are included in the project description. - Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Construction Details/ techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Unique design elements | 20.0% |
Choice of materials | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
10 - Best Single Family Kitchen – New under $150,000
The total cost to the client. Kitchen value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and includes all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, backsplash, flooring, lighting/plumbing fixtures and appliances, excluding GST, and must be under $150,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Kitchen value including all visual materials
- Digital images
8 images of your choice. - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the kitchen that are included in the project description. - Upload Homeowner Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Provide a summary about the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Design Credit
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Unique design elements | 20.0% |
Choice of materials | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
11 - Best Single Family Kitchen - New over $150,000
The total cost to the client. Kitchen value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and includes all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, backsplash, flooring, lighting/plumbing fixtures and appliances, excluding GST, and must be over $150,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Kitchen value including all visual materials
- Digital images
8 images of your choice. - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the kitchen that are included in the project description. - Upload Homeowner Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Provide a summary about the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project descriptions will be read out loud while the judges are viewing the digital images and all other entry requirements. It is recommended that where possible your text should match your digital submission.
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project descriptions will be read out loud while the judges are viewing the digital images and all other entry requirements. It is recommended that where possible your text should match your digital submission.
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices
- Project Description: Construction details/techniques to achieve best practices
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 20.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Unique design elements | 20.0% |
Choice of materials | 20.0% |
Construction details/techniques to achieve industry best practices | 20.0% |
4-Residential Planning, Design and Construction – BathroomGROUP
12 - Best Single Family Bathroom Renovation under $75,000
The total cost to the client for the renovation. Bathroom value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and includes all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, flooring, lighting/plumbing fixtures and appliances, excluding GST, and must be under $75,000.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Upload Permission Form
- Bathroom value including all visual materials
- Digital Images
Ten (10) images total two (2) "Before" and Eight (8) of your choice - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the bathroom that are included in the project description. - Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 25.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 25.0% |
Unique design elements | 25.0% |
Choice of materials | 25.0% |
13 - Best Single Family Bathroom Renovation over $75,000
The total cost to the client for the renovation. Bathroom value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and includes all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, flooring, lighting/plumbing and fixtures, excluding GST, and must be over $75,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Bathroom value including all visual materials
- Digital Images
Ten (10) images total two(2) before images and eight (8) images of your choice. - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the bathroom that are included in the project description. - Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 25.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 25.0% |
Unique design elements | 25.0% |
Choice of materials | 25.0% |
14 - Best Single Family Bathroom – New under $75,000
- The total cost to the client. Bathroom value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and includes all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, flooring, lighting/plumbing and fixtures, excluding GST, and must be under $75,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Bathroom value including all visual materials
- Digital Images
Eight (8) images of your choice - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the bathroom that are included in the project description. - Upload permission form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 25.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 25.0% |
Unique design elements | 25.0% |
Choice of materials | 25.0% |
15 - Best Single Family Bathroom - New over $75,000
- The total cost to the client. Bathroom value includes design fees, labour supplied by client, subcontractors, professional/municipal fees and includes all visual materials: cabinets, countertops, flooring, lighting/plumbing fixtures and appliances, excluding GST, and must be over $75,000
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Bathroom value including all visual materials
- Digital Images
Eight (8) Images of your choice - Digital Floorplans
Floor plan(s) must include all areas of the bathroom that are included in the project description. - Upload permission form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Functionality floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality floor plan | 25.0% |
Environmental / energy efficiency inclusions | 25.0% |
Unique design elements | 25.0% |
Choice of materials | 25.0% |
5-Design, Planning & Innovative AwardsGROUP
16 - Innovative Feature – New or Renovation
An innovative feature is characterized by the introduction of an inventive space, method or product that enhances the residential project or building process and results in a unique effect or feature. This category looks at products, designs, creative workmanship, which are seen to be unique and could be applied to other residential projects.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital Images
Eight (8) Images total of your choice - Digital Floorplans
if applicable - Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Concept: Explain in detail the concept that created the inspiration for this innovative feature
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Design Credit
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Unique design elements | 33.3% |
Choice of materials | 33.3% |
Explain in detail the concept that created the inspiration for this innovative feature | 33.3% |
17 - Best Interior Design – Renovation
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital Images
Eight (8) total images:
Six (6) of your choice plus two (2) "Before" images - Digital Floorplans
- Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Describe how the design elements suit the clients
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Functionality of floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design features
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: What lasting impression did you create within this design, by use of furniture, accessories and merchandising
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality of floor plan | 20.0% |
Unique design features | 20.0% |
Choice of materials | 20.0% |
Describe how the design elements suit the clients | 20.0% |
What lasting impression did you create within this design, by use of furniture, accessories and merchandising | 20.0% |
18 - Best Interior Design – New
- Best Interior Design of a new home.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital Images
Ten (10) Digital Images of your choice. - Digital Floor Plans
- Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of Project - Project Description: Functionality of floor plan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Unique design features
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Choice of materials
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Describe how the design elements suit the clients
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: What lasting impression did you create within this design, by use of furniture, accessories and merchandising
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Functionality of floor plan | 20.0% |
Unique design features | 20.0% |
Choice of materials | 20.0% |
Describe how the design elements suit the clients | 20.0% |
What lasting impression did you create within this design, by use of furniture, accessories and merchandising | 20.0% |
6-Special Achievement AwardsGROUP
19 - Best Environmental Initiative
- This award recognizes a company that embraces environmental, economic, and social aspects of their project and incorporates creative and innovative solutions while maintaining consideration for the environment. This award will be presented to those who recognize the impact of their project/development on its community and surrounding area and the steps taken to reduce this impact and add quality to the community. Single-family and multi-family developments may enter this category
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital Images
Twelve (12) images of your choice that best represent your project. - Digital Site Plan outlining the strategies described in the project descriptions.
- Digital PDF copy of any certifications earned
Such as Built Green®, EnerGuide, LEED and/or R-2000 Certificate or Label - Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Selection of materials and resources
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Carbon Reduction/ Electrification
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Construction practices employed and details if a certification program is chosen
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Innovation and design
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Sensitivity to site conditions and surrounding environments
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Selection of materials and resources | 20.0% |
Energy and water saving considerations | 20.0% |
Construction practices employed and details if a certification program is chosen | 20.0% |
Innovation and design | 20.0% |
Sensitivity to site conditions and surrounding environments | 20.0% |
20 - FortisBC Award for Excellence in Energy Efficiency in New Residential Construction
- This award recognizes a new home / project / community that integrates strategies and technologies that contribute to the efficient use of energy to reduce overall energy consumption.
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital Images
Up to eight (8) digital images which will include one each of the following:
â–ª The individual meter closet, if applicable
â–ª High-efficiency heating and cooling system
â–ª Hot-water heating system
â–ª Energy Star appliances, windows, and doors (or proof of purchase)
â–ª The remaining pictures should show images that best represent energy efficiency and design - Digital Floorplans
- Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Project Description: Energy Conservation
Promotion of energy conservation by utilizing individual metering. Natural gas must be used in the home/project but may also include one or more of the following: • Hydronic heating • Electricity • Water- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: High-efficiency Appliances and Lighting
Inclusion of high-efficiency appliances to promote conservation of energy, such as: • High-efficiency water-heating system • Natural gas space heating equipment must be high efficiency or condensing technology • Electrical appliances must be highest tier Energy Star-rated • Fireplaces must have EnerChoice rating • Installation of high-efficiency lighting (hard-wired LED or CFL)- Bullet form is recommended. The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: HVAC Considerations
Reduce HVAC energy requirements through passive design using the building elements (incl. architectural, structural, envelope and passive mechanical) to minimize energy consumption and improve thermal comfort.- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Additional Energy-Efficient Features
Entry will also be judged on general criteria such as: • Waste reduction, recycling, reuse and efficient use of materials • Water conservation, storm water protection/management and situation control • Minimize energy in construction and use, and/or use of alternative energy sources • Setting and meeting performance targets (Built Green BC, R-2000 Standard, EnerGuide Rating 80 or higher or LEED-qualified high-energy efficiency) • Sales and marketing material to promote the energy efficiency aspects of the project and the benefits to prospective purchasers.- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Description: Design
Innovative, functional, creative and aesthetically appealing design.- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text should show how you specifically meet the criteria
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Energy Conservation | 20.0% |
High-efficiency Appliances and Lighting | 20.0% |
HVAC Considerations | 20.0% |
Additional Energy-Efficient Features | 20.0% |
Design | 20.0% |
21 - Golden Blower Door-Presented by Bernhardt Contracting
- The Lowest ACH result measured according to the Energuide Rating system
- Project Name
- Is this Project on Vancouver Island?
- Digital Images
Two (2) Digital Images that best represent your project - Upload Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project - Third Party Verified Results
Example: - EnerGuide label and Homeowner info sheet
-Passive House Certificate (Passive house project should recalculate results to match ERS Standards.
-As built BC Energy Step code form - Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Lowest ACH | 100.0% |
7-Grand VIBE AwardsGROUP
22 - Project of the Year
Projects eligible for this Grand VIBI Award must be entered in one or more of the applicable categories 1 – 23
The Grand VIBI Awards are determined as follows: This award will be determined by a review of materials (marketing statement/digital images) by the judges plus the average of points for entries in previous categories.
50% of the results will come from the average of the entries and 50% of the results will come from the entrant`s written submission (including the marketing statement if applicable).
- Project Name
- Digital Images
Ten (10) images that best represent the project. - Upload Builder Permission Form
- Marketing Description
Summary of the project. - Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description Functionality of Floorplan
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Unique design elements
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Partner
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Environmental/energy efficiency inclusions | 20.0% |
Unique design elements | 20.0% |
Exterior: architectural character, curb appeal and integration of the home into its setting | 20.0% |
Interior: creative and innovative use of space, architectural and finishing detail | 20.0% |
Functionality of Floorplan | 20.0% |
23 - Renovator of the Year
Projects eligible for this Grand VIBI Award must be entered in one or more of the applicable categories 8 – 13; 16,17; 20-24.
The Grand VIBI Awards are determined as follows:
This award will be determined by a review of materials (marketing statement/digital images) by the judges plus the average of points for entries in previous categories.
50% of the results will come from the average of the entries and 50% of the results will come from the entrant`s written submission (including the marketing statement if applicable).
- Project Name
- Digital Images
Eight (8) Images should be copies of previous applicable entries in categories 1-23 * Renovation Only Categories - Marketing Description
Summary of your mission statement - Project Description: Environmental responsibility and support of environmental programs
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Industry involvement of the builder and support of CHBA initiatives
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Quality of improvements for clients
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Career development within the organization including human resource development and training
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Charitable and social contributions to the community
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Innovation within the industry
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Mentoring of new professionals in the industry (can include apprenticeships)
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Design Credit
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Environmental responsibility and support of environmental programs | 14.3% |
Industry involvement of the builder and support of CHBA initiatives | 14.3% |
Quality of improvements for clients | 14.3% |
Career development within the organization including human resource development and training | 14.3% |
Charitable and social contributions to the community | 14.3% |
Innovation within the industry | 14.3% |
Mentoring of new professionals in the industry (can include apprenticeships) | 14.3% |
24 - Builder of the Year
Projects eligible for this Grand VIBI Award must be entered in one or more of the applicable categories 1 – 23
The Grand VIBI Awards are determined as follows:
This award will be determined by a review of materials (marketing statement/digital images) by the judges plus the average of points for entries in previous categories.
50% of the results will come from the average of the entries and 50% of the results will come from the entrant`s written submission (including the marketing statement if applicable).
- Project Name
- Digital Images
Eight (8) total Images should be copies of previous entries in applicable categories 1 – 23 - Marketing Description
Summary of your mission statement - Project Description: Environmental responsibility and support of environmental programs
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Industry involvement of the builder and support of CHBA initiatives
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Quality of improvements for clients
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Career development within the organization including human resource development and training
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Charitable and social contributions to the community
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Innovation within the industry
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Project Description: Mentoring of new professionals in the industry (can include apprenticeships)
- Bullet form is recommended.
- The text you submit must specifically state how it meets the category criteria.
- Design Credit
Name the company or companies who assisted you in the presentation of your entry. (Separate by commas.)
Criterion | Weight |
Environmental responsibility and support of environmental programs | 14.3% |
Industry involvement of the builder and support of CHBA initiatives | 14.3% |
Quality of improvements for clients | 14.3% |
Career development within the organization including human resource development and training | 14.3% |
Charitable and social contributions to the community | 14.3% |
Innovation within the industry | 14.3% |
Mentoring of new professionals in the industry (can include apprenticeships) | 14.3% |